Madelin Yasmin

Born: Oct. 19, 2020

Location: Parramos, Guatemala

Madelin is a happy girl who likes to play with her cousins and have fun together. Madelin is super excited because in 2025 she will attend The Arms of Jesus School. Her mother is Mrs. Ana Cecilia, who is 24 years old. Mrs. Ana Cecilia works with her mother, helping her to run a store of daily household products. She is also supported by her parents since they are giving her a roof to live with her daughter, Madelin. Madelin's father does not live with them since he has another family. He is not a responsible father and does not pay for the expenses. This has been difficult for Madelin and her family, but thank God, Madelyn is loved by her mother and grandparents. Mrs. Ana Cecilia's parents have allowed her and Madelin to live with them. Madelin and her mother sleep together. Mrs. Ana Cecilia and Madelin do not have their own furniture, that is why they share furniture. Mrs. Ana Cecilia's parents also provide food for them. She says how blessed she feels to count on her parents’ support. The young mother wants her daughter to study and prepare herself for her future, mostly because she will learn about God’s word.


Sponsorship Request Form

Child Details

Name: Madelin Yasmin

City: Parramos

Country: Guatemala

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