Watch and Pray


Director's Blog

Dr. Sam Martin

"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.” Matt. 26 v 41

As I thumbed through some pictures taken on a recent trip to Guatemala, I smiled as I looked at the one of a girl praying then I began to think deeply. Let me share it with you, and why I smiled and the thoughts that came to my mind trusting they will be helpful to you.

As I looked at the girl’s eyes, a scripture came to mind, the words of Jesus found in Matthew 26 v 41, ‘Watch and pray.’

I began to think about this, and I remembered the words of Ray Steadman in a daily devotional. He said, and I quote, ‘the enemy has little struggle with Peter. It is not even necessary to threaten to throw him to the lions or burn him at the stake. His resolve collapses by the simple expedient of making him too sleepy to pray. That is all; and that tremendous determination of will, that firm resolve, dissolves, and Peter is as weak as putty when the moment comes. He is weak because he lacks the strengthening of prayer. The devil only had to make him sleepy, that is all. I am sure this was a satanic attack.’

To be honest, I know that struggle. I know what it is to feel ‘too tired to pray’ and it is so easy to rationalize it by saying “I have been so busy serving the Lord!” Of course others suggest Jesus rebuked Peter because he was relying on his own self-confidence, but really the issue was clear, they were sleeping instead of praying! As you know, Peter fell asleep! He went to sleep on Jesus when he needed to watch and pray — he wasn’t ready for the trial that came and he fell into denying his Lord. Then he fell into running away to hide. Then he fell into depression.

Yes, looking into the girl’s eyes behind her clasped hands reminded me, ‘I need to watch and pray lest I fall into temptation.’ What about you?

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