Messages from a Shark?


Director's Blog

Dr. Sam Martin

As one who loves to read, and read widely , I picked up a copy of a book by Robert Herjavec who is known for his appearance on ‘Shark Tank.’ It was as you can imagine about how to build a business and succeed in life. However it was written in a very down to earth way as Robert shared an insight into his life.

Now to be honest, I skipped many pages but then was deeply moved by what I have called ‘a message from a shark.’ That message came as I read chapter 26 with the title ‘The Significance of Socks.’

Robert Herjavec shares how in spite of all his success, went through a very difficult family situation which saw his marriage end and caused him to consider suicide proving that money cannot buy happiness or love. As a result, he went to Seattle where he gave himself to work at Union Gospel Mission, serving the homeless and needy. One evening he went with the Director of the Mission on a search-and–rescue trip.

About two in the morning they found a man sleeping in what looked like a discarded sleeping bag, They roused the man who was covered in dirt and blood and it seemed he had been hit by a bus while trying to cross the road. The bus did not stop and the man staggered into the field where he thought he would die without help. Robert says of the man, “He was homeless, unknown and he believed without love. All he could do was to wrap himself in the sleeping bag and wait to die. God he believed had abandoned him.” As I continued reading, the first message from ‘The Shark’ jumped out at me.

Robert writes ‘Richard (the Director of the Mission) and I assured him that God never abandoned people, and that someone was always available to help him, no matter who he was or what he had done.

My friends, ‘God never abandons people!’ He is loving , forgiving and caring! And the someone available to help others could be you and me! How many of us need to become the ‘somebody willing to help?’

That was the first message, the second came from simple words written by Robert about his experience and he talks about ‘an appreciation for fresh clean socks.’ He shares a significant truth I quote his words:

“I spent two weeks in Seattle amongst people whose only possessions were the clothes on their backs, and whose deepest desires were to eat a decent meal, find a safe place to sleep, and someday put a pair of clean socks on their feet.I was the man who the previous year had been overjoyed to learn that the Ferrari motor company was giving me permission to hand over $1.5 million in exchange for an automobile as dramatic in style and advanced in design as the latest jet fighter in the fleet of the U.S Air Force”

He then commented, “two months later I was living among people, who in their own way would appreciate a pair of clean new socks as much as I did my decadent, impractical LeFerrari car.”

Before he left the Mission, Robert went to Walmart and bought every pair of adult socks in the store. Then he arranged with a Sock manufacturer to ship thousands of pairs of new socks to the Mission every three months.

The message for me, “I am blessed … to be a blessing!’ and I thought of our ‘Foot washing ministry where we give children new socks and shoes.’ We can do so much with so little if we change our decadent and impractical life-styles!

Thanks for letting me share two simple life-changing messages from a Shark! Remember God will never abandon you and you can make a difference.

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