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What Christmas Is All About!


Dr. Sam Martin

Let me simply take a few moments to wish you and yours, A Very Merry and Blessed Christmas! Thank you also for being so faithful in reading ‘Mission Moments’ and for supporting the Mission.

Let me just share with you a few thoughts as we approach Christmas, and ask you to read and think about the words of a beautiful poem, “What Christmas is all about."

What Christmas Is All About

Christmas will always be for us
A time to reflect on Christ,
The gift God gave to all the world
Was the gift of His life

We know Christmas is not about tinsel,
Nor fancy Christmas wreaths,
Nor is it about all the decorations
That adorns our Christmas trees

And it's not about Holly or Mistletoe
Hanging from our doors,
Nor is it about the gifts that are left
By the jolly Santa Claus

Christmas is more than all of this
And the only reason why



Dr. Sam Martin

Forgive me, I am not being negative or factious, I am thinking about some of the homes I have visited, some homes that we have found families living in.

Let me share please:

* Where a Guatemalan Pastor, his wife and 4 children were living! Honestly as I stood looking at what was their home, tears filled my eyes and pain my heart! Here was a servant of God, a brother. It was a thrill for the Mission to build a new home for him complete with kitchen and toilet. He shared how he had prayed for a long time that someone would come and help him and his family, and The Arms of Jesus Children’s Mission became the answer to his prayers.

My friends, we are incredibly blessed!

Minnie Mouse and a Sponsored Child


Dr. Sam Martin

Honestly, it was one of the most moving moments in the four Graduation Ceremonies in Guatemala, and there were many!

It is an honor for me to speak at the graduations of our School in Guatemala and honestly it is such a blessing! I had my addresses prepared, but then something happened that made me change the address for the Primary School. I received an email with a picture attached – let me share the picture:

Yes it was a picture of Minnie Mouse, taken on a Disney Cruise. If you look closely you will notice Minnie is holding a picture and has her arm around a special boy.

Now you might be tempted to ask, ‘So – what is the big deal?’ Well, the picture is of a girl sponsored by the boy’s Family! Honestly, they were on a..

The Garbage, a special Lady and a tin of coke!


Dr. Sam Martin

It was one of those things I just could not get out of my mind! And driving to the office this morning I felt I had to share it with the staff in our devotional time, and I had to write it for the Blog, trusting it will be an encouragement and inspiration to all who read it.

Every week people place their garbage at the end of the driveway knowing that no matter the weather, the Garbage Truck will come along and the driver will get out and pick up the bags or boxes and empty the garbage into the truck.

The lady, looking at the garbage placed at homes along the street, began to think about ‘The Garbage Man.’ Yes the driver of the truck who week by week stops and picks up the garbage, throws it into the truck and moves on to the next home. She wondered if anyone ever took the time to thank him. Rather than just wonder, she decided to do something.

She left her home when she heard the garbage truck in the distance and walked down her dr..

The Whole Gospel for the Whole Man


Dr. Sam Martin

Quite a few years ago I walked up to the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Port Au Prince in Haiti and I was struck by its size, its beauty in fact it was a lighthouse to the ships passing the Island, drawing them into Haiti. What struck me most was the fact that there was a beggar lying outside the door, a woman wearing only bits of a torn sack with, her hands stretched out looking for help.

My mind took me back to a story I had heard so many times, the story told in Acts 3. Peter and John were making their way to the temple. They made to go through what was called ‘The Beautiful Gate’ when they heard a man beg for help, he was lame and we are told he was carried to the gate every day and left there to beg, something he had done for 40 years (Acts 4:22). Here is what the scripture say:

“They looked at him intently, and then Peter said, 'Look here!’ The lame man looked at them eagerly, expecting a gift. But Peter said, ‘We don’t have any money..

You made my little boy’s dream come true!


Dr. Sam Martin

I was driving home from the office and to get a break from the news, I switched to the Classic Country station on the car radio. Playing was a real old song and as I listened to it, the message touched me and I felt led to share it with you. It is called ‘Teddy Bear’ and I trust you will read the lyrics below.

I was on the outskirts of a little southern town
Tryin' to reach my destination before the sun went down
The old CB was blarin' away on channel 1-9!
When there came a little boy's voice on the radio line

And he said: "Breaker 1-9! Is anyone there?
come on back, truckers and talk to Teddy Bear!"
Well, I keyed the mike and said: "You got it, Teddy Bear!"
And a little boy's voice came back on the air

"'Preciate the break, Who we got on that end?"
I told him my handle, and, then he began:
"Now, I'm not supposed to bother you fellows out there
Mom says you're busy a..

A Sad Sign Written by a Child!


Dr. Sam Martin

It was a beautiful Sunday evening and my wife, along with our son and his wife went for a walk through a trailer park at a Christian Retreat Center. As we walked, we commented on the trailers, the beauty of the place, and then we saw a handwritten sign with toys either side of it. We stopped and read the words written obviously by a child. It said:

“If you want to play with me please knock the door.”

We stood for a moment looking at the sign and the teddy and doll laying on it, and speculated that a youngster was living in the trailer but had yet to find a playmate. It was a sad moment. It seemed so unfair, so out of place and yet it was real! Was the child watching us and perhaps those who passed by from a window? As we walked on, there was silence for a little while, and a real sense of sadness as we thought of the child who had made the sign.

A day has passed but it is still on my mind. However I am thinking of the chil..

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