Aldred Yoel

July 1, 2020

Parramos, Guatemala 

Aldrid is friendly, nice, smiley, and intelligent. He has wavy hair and likes to talk, play ball and play with toy cars. This 2025 he will attend the Arms of Jesus School. Mr. Mynor Orlando is 44 years old, and he is a hardworking father, but he does not have a stable job because he works at home as a carpenter, making furniture when it is requested. Mrs. Brenda Mariela is 34 years old and works on a vegetable farm to help her husband financially. They are living with the paternal grandmother; they have a room made with blocks, and inside they have a bed and a wardrobe. The kitchen is made of wood, and they cook on a mud stove. They keep their dishes in a plastic basket. They also have electricity and running water services. Both parents are grateful for the opportunity Aldrid will have to get an education with Christian principles and thus have a better future.

Would you be the angel in Aldred's life?

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