
Image of Wideler

Jan 22, 2013

Cap-Rouge, Haiti

Wideler is a boy who lives in Cap Rouge section of Cayes Jacmel, the southeast of Haiti, and was born on January 22, 2013, he is 12. His mother, Nadine Byron, is a trader and farmer, and his father, Wilner Andre, works the land. They have three children. Wideler goes to school and is in 7th grade. He loves playing soccer during his free time. He lives with his parents in a two-room house with a gallery and a sheet metal roof. The house is furnished with basic items like a bed, table, and bench. However, the children live in poor conditions, facing malnutrition and lack of proper clothing because their parents can't afford to take care of them properly. Despite the hardships, Wideler remains healthy. Wideler's family struggles because they rely solely on agriculture, and their crops don't yield enough to support them. They also have to walk long distances to fetch water and use wood for cooking. Wideler needs assistance to improve his situation. Next year, he will be in 8th grade, and his parents are worried about his education. Any help would bring great relief to the family.

Would you be the angel in Wideler's life?

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