
Image of Nelson

Jan 16, 2012

Cap-Rouge, Haiti

Nelson is a boy who lives in Cap Rouge section of Cayes Jacmel, the southeast of Haiti. He was born on January 16, 2012, he is 13. His father, Paul Edner Jean Pierre, works the land, and his mother, Yvrose Pierre, is a trader. They have three children. Nelson goes to school and is in 6th grade. In his free time, he enjoys flying kites and playing soccer. He lives with his parents in a two-room house made of stone and covered with a sheet metal roof. The house is furnished with items such as tables, chairs, beds, and kitchenware. Nelson remains healthy but lives in difficult conditions because his parents cannot adequately take care of him. The family relies on agriculture, and when their crops don't yield well, it becomes hard to meet the children's needs, causing them to suffer. They have to walk long distances to fetch water since they don't have a cistern, and they use wood for cooking. Nelson needs help because, next year, he will be in the 7th grade, and his parents won't be able to meet the school's demands. Assistance would greatly relieve their situation.

Would you be the angel in Nelson's life?

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