June 25, 2013
Cap-Rouge, Haiti
Miscael is a boy who lives in Cap Rouge section of Cayes Jacmel, the southeast of Haiti. He was born on June 25,2013, he is 12. His mother, Delaine Benoit, and his father, Andre Laucene Jean Pierre, both work the land. They have five children. Miscael goes to school and is in 6th grade. In his free time, he plays with his siblings. He remains healthy and lives with his parents in a four-room house made of stone, covered with a sheet metal roof. The house is furnished with basic items like benches, tables, beds, and chairs. Miscael lives in difficult conditions because his parents can't fully meet his needs; he doesn't eat well or dress properly. His parents depend on their crops, which often fail when the rain doesn't come on time, making it hard to take care of the household and all the children. They fetch water from a reservoir and use wood for cooking. Miscael needs help because his parents have five children, and soon he will be in 7th grade, and they can't meet the class requirements. Any assistance would greatly help him and his family.
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