Jan 27, 2021
Cap-Rouge, Haiti
Lovemica is a girl, born on January 27, 2021, she is 4. She and her parents live in Cap Rouge communal section of Cayes Jacmel, the southeast of Haiti. Her father's name is Joseph Desulme, and her mother's name is Delivrance Ulysse. Her mother does business and farming, and her father works on the land. They have three children. Lovemica goes to school; she has just started school and is in preschool 1. She has started working well at school. In her free time, she likes to play with dolls and play with her sister. She lives with her father and mother. They live in a house with two rooms; the house is made of wood, covered by sheet metal roof, and stone. They have a table, a bed, and dishes in the house. Lovemica lives in a difficult situation because the country has become more difficult, which means her parents do not have enough means to take care of the children, but she is always healthy. The garden is their only source of income; it does not always yield good harvests, which makes it difficult to care for the children. They fetch water from a cistern when it doesn't rain, and they walk a lot to find water. They use wood to cook. Lovemica needs help to assist her parents in taking care of the family and for her education.
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