Jamesley. F

Image of Jamesley F

June 21, 2016

Cap-Rouge, Haiti

Jamesley is a boy who lives in Cap Rouge section of Cayes Jacmel, the southeast of Haiti, and was born on June 21, 2016, he is 9. His mother, Manite Frederic, and his father, David Francois, both are farmers. They have three children. Jamesley is healthy and currently in 3rd grade, and excelling in his studies. In his free time, he enjoys playing with his friends and siblings. Jamesley lives with his parents in a two-room house made of stone, covered with a sheet metal roof. The house is furnished with a small table, some chairs, and a bed. Despite his good health, Jamesley faces hardships because his parents don't have the means to properly care for him and his siblings. The family relies on agriculture, and when the rain doesn't come, it becomes challenging for them to produce and sell enough crops to support the family, leading to difficult living conditions. They fetch water from a cistern and use wood for cooking. Jamesley needs assistance to help his parents meet his needs, particularly in his education. Any support would make a significant difference in his life and improve his situation.

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