Alison Yensi

Born: Sept. 29, 2020

Location: Parramos, Guatemala

Alison is a smart, cute, nice, and shy little girl. She likes to play with dolls and toy kitchen accessories. In 2025, she will be attending the AOJ School and will be in K4. Her mother is Mrs. Migdalia, who is 38 years old and is a single mother. She is committed to working for her family. The father refuses to take care of Alison and does not have communication with Mrs. Migdalia and his daughter so far. Thank God, Mrs. Migdalia is supported by her parents and siblings who take care of little Alison. The brother owns the house and has allowed his parents and sisters to live in the house. He also helps with some household expenses. Mrs. Migdalia lives in a small room made of sheet metal and dirt floor, and she is so grateful because she has a safe roof to raise her little daughter. She has a bed and a wardrobe. The kitchen is shared with her mother. They have running water and electricity. Mrs. Migdalia would like for her daughter to have the opportunity to study at The Arms of Jesus and count on an angel who supports her and her daughter.


Sponsorship Request Form

Child Details

Name: Alison Yensi

City: Parramos

Country: Guatemala

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